Well, Collin's special ed teacher just called from school. She wanted to go over Collin's report card because I had e-mailed his regular ed teacher with some questions, but this teacher can answer them better. She also called to let me know that a Mom at Collin's school brought cupcakes and gave him one at lunch. Most of the parents are aware of Collin's diet. Collin has been gluten and casein free since he was two. We have not had many "accidents" in following this diet. If there is a birthday at school, I just send in a gfcf cupcake or cookie so he can participate in the celebration. I really have started to dislike how so many meaningful events in life are centered around food and mostly food that is bad for us, but that is for another day. As far as the gfcf diet goes,in the beginning, I would say it took us a few months to get it all straight and under control. It seemed like gluten was everywhere. Once we found the right stores, websites, and things to look out for...it became easy. It was much easier starting him out on it at two rather than trying to start later in life. Many people ask us if we eat gluten free, but we don't. I have a 2 year old who does not eat dairy and my husband and I do not drink cow's milk and have limited dairy products. If we do they are organic.
The gfcf diet helped Collin immediately and in a huge way. He started sleeping through the night just a couple days into this diet and he became more focused. The diet is just one of the many things we do, but it plays an important role to overcoming autism in our world.
So, we will see what happens with the cupcake. I will let you know how the rest of the day and night goes when I post tomorrow.
Christy Butch
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